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If you have power but the conveyor does not move when you press the joystick up.
Machine was working but slowed down and will not pull material.
If you do not get 13+ voltages across the gray Anderson power connector that plug into the MM.
Wireless remote has been working but now doesn't work at all.
The IN or OUT function doesn't work.
If a taillight , brake light or turn signal stops working correctly click below to learn more.
If the right green light comes on but the left green light does not click below to learn more.
If the augers spin when you press the joystick but the tarp does not pull in click below.
If the tarp doesn't pull in or doesn't pull out and you hear a click sound from under machine click below.
If the conveyor does not run when you press up or down on the joystick check the 50 amp breaker on the bottom of the unit.
50 amp breaker is located just inside the round 3" hole next to the black electrical box under the Mulch Mate belly.
If the little red flag is popped out simply press it back in. If it won't stay in, wait 2 minutes and try again.
If you turn the key and get no green lights at all it could be one of a few things, either the 5/10 amp breaker in the electrical distribution box has popped or the 250 amp fuse on the batteries is blown.
Inside the black electrical box under the Mulch Mate you will see a small white button with either a 5 or 10 on it. If popped, press it back in and the unit should work again. If nothing happens go to the next step.
Open the tool basket, under the rubber mat in the lower left corner you will have access to the top of the batteries. Check the 250 amp fuse. You will need a test light or meter to check this fuse. If good, you will see power on both sides of the fuse. If bad, only one side will have power.
If you unit starts off working but slows and now will not pull material into the unit, STOP. Continuing to press the joystick can cause damage.
You must have a minimum of 12.5 volts to run the system. Continuing to press the joystick with low voltage causes excessive heat and can damage contacts and motors.
Unplug the gray Anderson power connector from the bottom of the unit and check to make sure you have at least 13+ volts at the gray Anderson power connector when the truck is running.
If you do not have power at the gray Anderson connector with the truck running go to the "Truck Charging Harness not working" section
If you have good power from the truck but battery levels are lower then 12.5 volts you may have a shorted battery. Replace both batteries with Deep Cycle Marine Batteries.
Fully charge batteries. Batteries need to be charged for at least 48 hours. You see 12 volts at only 20% capacity, but you need 100% capacity to full operate all day.
If you have no power at the gray Anderson Power connector plugged into the Mulch Mate when the truck is running you need to check the truck system fuses.
First check power from the truck battery to the 125 amp fuse. You will need a test light or meter. If you don't have power on both sides of the 125 amp fuse, fuse is bad.
With truck running you should have power to both large posts on the gray solenoid. If you only have power on one side, check small posts.
Check red wire going to the small post. If you have no power with truck on it means you may have a bad fuse or connection from the truck fuse panel, Check small 20 amp fuse.
If all points seem to have correct power but the solenoid still does not come on check the ground wire that goes to the small post. Without a good ground the solenoid will not work.
Once you have power at all the mentioned points, double check to make sure you have power at the back of the truck where the Anderson Connector plugs into the Mulch Mate and is plugged in completely.
Check for power from the 7-pin connector. The camera gets its power from the first terminal to the right of the alignment detent when the truck is on.
Check to make sure the center pin of the AV cable is still in place. If you see a white plastic center pin, the cable is bad and missing the metal jacket on the center pin.
Make sure you have 12 volts and a good ground to the monitor. Once you have power to both the camera and monitor, as soon as you plug in the AV cable it works.
With remote turned on, check to see if you get a red light when pushing either button. If you do not get a red light, replace the battery.
If joystick works but remote does not, replace the wireless receiver.
If you need to order a replacement you can order a kit with the link below.
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The end of Winter is coming quick and if you haven't purchased your Snow Mate yet, you just got lucky. From now until the end of Feb you can get 15% off by entering code "SNOW15" at checkout.